Usually dogs will eat Akela with gusto, even picky dogs. However sometimes dogs can go off even the best food - here is a bit of troubleshooting advice if you dog has gone off their food.
1. Are they being fed the right amount? Akela is nutritionally dense so dogs do not need as much as some high-filler brands. It could be that your dog is simply full.
2. Are they happy with their eating environment? If you have recently changed the place your dog eats, the bowl or toy they eat from, their feeding companions (including cats etc) then this could be upsetting them and putting them off their dinner. Try swapping back or changing the environment to see if this helps.
3. Have they had a recent dental / general health check? Painful teeth or being unwell can put dogs off their food.
4. Has the food been stored in a cool, dry place? If the food has been exposed to heat, sunlight, moisture or chemical residue then it could affect it - your dogs sharp sense of smell will easily detect it and they may know it is not good for them to eat.
5. Is your dog training you? If, even on just one occasion, your dog has refused their food any reason and you took it away and gave them human food instead then this can be enough for clever dogs to learn that leaving the dog food gets them the amazing human food.
6. Is your dog superstitious? "Eating my dinner means my owner goes out for the day" - dogs do not have human thoughts but they can link events like this together if they happen enough - even if the cause and effect is not quite right. If you have recently changed a routine just before or after your dogs dinner then maybe re think it.
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