The behavioural condition where dogs eat their own poo is called Coprophagia. It is actually a lot more common than you may think. There isn't one specific reason why your dog may be eating its own poo, but most cases can be narrowed down to a few.
For example, it could be a deficiency of nutrients (feed Akela and this won't be the case), malabsorption syndrome, parasites, natural instincts, anxiety, attention seeking or even good-smelling poo (from eating too many human foods) that causes your dog (or puppy) to eat its own faeces. It is best to seek veterinary advice if you are concerned.
Dogs suffering from coprophagia (eating stools) may benefit from the addition of pineapple to their diet. This tangy fruit creates an unappealing taste and smell in your dog’s stools over time and should deter your dog from eating their stools. Add a few small pieces of pineapple to their food and observe their behaviour over time.
It is highly recommended that your dog is only fed a complete dog food diet (Akela) and stools are picked up and disposed of as soon as possible to break the cycle.
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