If items are missing from your order it may be because your order was dispatched in multiple boxes. Usually, it would state so on the courier label (e.g. 1 of 2), packing slip or in the tracking details from the courier. Sometimes one box makes it through the network a day earlier than another. If in doubt please feel free to ask us.
If you have received all boxes but are still missing items please be sure to check any nooks and crannies and amongst the void fill. Small items/treats may be wrapped in amongst the void fill to prevent damage so please check the parcel thoroughly.
Please also check with other members of your household or neighbours as often we find that they have taken the parcel in on behalf of customers for safekeeping.
If you have received a damaged parcel and items have fallen out in transit then please e-mail us photos of the damage so that we can investigate. Missing items will usually be refunded rather than replaced due to multiple courier costs.
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