Usually, when we're asked these questions we consider other contributing factors and what else the dog has been eating recently and any other changes to the routine. If your dog's upset coincides with any of the below then it usually returns to normal once the change has been reverted:
- New treats or an increase in the number of treats
- Addition of wet food (either another brand or the ratio isn't correct and not enough kibble has been taken out to compensate)
- Addition of supplements
- A new bag which hasn't been stored somewhere cool and dry
- Drinking from puddles and/or the sea/river on a walk
- Dog exposed to high temperatures
- Dog's activity or weight has decreased and the feeding amount hasn't been adjusted
- Recent worming, de-flea or another course of medication
- Periods of high stress (new baby, new dog, fireworks, thunderstorms, owners on holiday, moving house etc)
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